Phase 2: Optimize the Detox Funnel

Quick Navigation:

The Phase 2 Protocols

The Phase 2 Protocols

Cleangut: Education Modules

Cleangut Introduction

Cleanbody Nutrition: The Cleangut Modification





Gut Health Treatments

The Cleangut Protocol (Vegetarian)

The Cleangut Protocol (Non-Vegetarian)

Re-Assess your Gut Health

Cleankidney: Education Modules

Cleankidney Introduction

Cleankidney Nutrition & Lemonade

Cleankidney Treatments

The Cleankidney Protocol

Cleanliver: Education Modules

Cleanliver Introduction

Cleanliver Nutrition

Cleanliver Supplements

Cleanliver Treatments

The Cleanliver Protocol

Cleanbile: Education Modules

Cleanbile Protocol Introduction

The Diet

Before you Begin #1 – Epsom Salts & Supplement Introduction

Before You Begin #2 – Schedule Your Treatments

The Cleanbile Supplements

Pre-Flush: Days 1-3

The Flush Days: Days 4-5

Post-Flush Days: Days 6-9

Healing Reactions

Follow Your Regimen


The Cleanbile Protocol